Source code for mlens.utils.utils


:author: Sebastian Flennerhag
:copyright: 2017
:licence: MIT

from __future__ import division, print_function, with_statement

from numpy import array
import subprocess
import sys
import os

    import psutil
except ImportError:
    psutil = None

    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

from time import sleep
    from time import perf_counter as _time
except ImportError:
    # Fall back on time for older versions
    from time import time as _time

[docs]def pickle_save(obj, name): """Utility function for pickling an object""" with open(name + '.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f)
[docs]def pickle_load(name): """Utility function for loading pickled object""" with open(name + '.pkl', 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f)
[docs]def kwarg_parser(func, kwargs): """Utility function for parsing keyword arguments""" func_kwargs = dict() args = func.__code__.co_varnames for arg in args: if arg in kwargs: func_kwargs[arg] = kwargs.pop(arg) return func_kwargs, kwargs
[docs]def safe_print(*objects, **kwargs): """Safe print function for backwards compatibility.""" # Get stream file = kwargs.pop('file', sys.stdout) if isinstance(file, str): file = getattr(sys, file) # Get flush flush = kwargs.pop('flush', False) # Print print(*objects, file=file, **kwargs) # Need to flush outside print function for python2 compatibility if flush: file.flush()
[docs]class CMLog(object): """CPU and Memory logger. Class for starting a monitor job of CPU and memory utilization in the background in a Python script. The ``monitor`` class records the ``cpu_percent``, ``rss`` and ``vms`` as collected by the psutil_ library for the parent process' pid. CPU usage and memory utilization are stored as attributes in numpy arrays. .. _psutil: Examples -------- >>> from time import sleep >>> from mlens.utils.utils import CMLog >>> cm = CMLog(verbose=True) >>> cm.monitor(2, 0.5) >>> _ = [i for i in range(10000000)] >>> >>> # Collecting before completion triggers a message but no error >>> cm._collect() >>> >>> sleep(2) >>> cm._collect() >>> print('CPU usage:') >>> cm.cpu [CMLog] Monitoring for 2 seconds with checks every 0.5 seconds. [CMLog] Job not finished. Cannot _collect yet. [CMLog] Collecting... done. Read 4 lines in 0.000 seconds. CPU usage: array([ 50. , 22.4, 6. , 11.9]) Raises ------ ImportError : Depends on psutil. If not installed, raises ImportError on instantiation. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool whether to notify of job start. """ def __init__(self, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose = os.getpid() if psutil is None: raise ImportError("psutil not installed. Install psutil, for " "example through pip (pip install psutil) " "before initializing CMLog.")
[docs] def monitor(self, stop=None, ival=0.1, kill=True): """Start monitoring CPU and memory usage. Parameters ---------- stop : float or None (default = None) seconds to monitor for. If None, monitors until ``_collect`` is called. ival : float (default=0.1) interval of monitoring. kill : bool (default = True) whether to kill the monitoring job if ``_collect`` is called before timeout (``stop``). If set to False, calling ``_collect`` will cause the instance to wait until the job completes. """ if stop is None and not kill: raise ValueError("If no time limit is set 'kill' must be enabled.") self._t0 = _time() self._stop = stop self._kill = kill # Delete previous job data to avoid confusion try: del self.cpu del self.rss del self.vms except AttributeError: pass if self.verbose: if self._stop is not None: safe_print("[CMLog] Monitoring for {} seconds with checks " "every {} seconds.".format(stop, ival)) else: safe_print("[CMLog] Monitoring until collection with checks " "every {} seconds.".format(ival)) # Initialize subprocess self._out = \ subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, '-c', 'from mlens.utils.utils import _recorder; ' '_recorder({}, {}, {})'.format(, stop, float(ival))], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return
[docs] def collect(self): """Collect monitored data. Once a monitor job finishes, call ``_collect`` to read the CPU and memory usage into python objects in the current process. If called before the job finishes, _collect issues a print statement to try again later, but no warning or error is raised. """ if not hasattr(self, '_stop'): safe_print('No monitoring job initiated: nothing to _collect.') return if self._stop is None: # If no timer, kill process. self._out.kill() if self.verbose: safe_print("[CMLog] Collecting...", end=" ", flush=True) # Check if job is not completed and if so, check whether to kill elif _time() - self._t0 < self._stop: if self._kill: if self.verbose: safe_print("[CMLog] Job not finished - killing process " "and collecting...", end=" ", flush=True) self._out.kill() elif self.verbose: # Wait until completion (this is done in the 'communicate' # command safe_print("[CMLog] Job not finished - waiting " "until completion and collecting...", end=" ", flush=True) # If job done, we just need to _collect elif self.verbose: safe_print("[CMLog] Collecting...", end=" ", flush=True) t0, i = _time(), 0 cpu, rss, vms = [], [], [] out = self._out.communicate() out = out[0].decode().strip().split('\n') for line in out: c, r, v = line.split(',') cpu.append(float(c.strip())) rss.append(int(r.strip())) vms.append(int(v.strip())) i += 1 if self.verbose: safe_print('done. Read {} lines in ' '{:.3f} seconds.'.format(i, _time() - t0)) self.cpu = array(cpu) self.vms = array(vms) self.rss = array(rss) # Clear job data del self._t0 del self._stop del self._kill self._out.terminate() del self._out
def _recorder(pid, stop, ival): """Subprocess call function to record cpu and memory.""" t = t0 = _time() process = psutil.Process(pid) if stop is None: while True: m = process.memory_info() print(psutil.cpu_percent(), ',', m[0], ',', m[1]) sleep(ival) t = _time() else: while t - t0 < stop: m = process.memory_info() print(psutil.cpu_percent(), ',', m[0], ',', m[1]) sleep(ival) t = _time()