
Here we collect a set of subtle potential issues and limitations that may explain odd behavior that you have encountered. Feel free to reach out if your problem is not addressed here.

Bad interaction with third-party packages

ML-Ensemble is designed to work with any estimator that implements a minimal API, and is specifically unit tested to work with Scikit-learn. When using estimators from other libraries, it can happen that the estimation stalls and fails to complete. A clear sign of this is if there is no python process with high CPU usage.

Due to how Python runs processes in parallel, child workers can receive a corrupted thread state that causes the worker to try to acquire more threads than are available, resulting in a deadlock. If this happens, raise an issue at the Github repository. There are a few things to try that might alleviate the problem:

  1. ensure that all estimators in the ensemble or evaluator has n_jobs or nthread equal to 1,
  2. change the backend parameter to either threading or multiprocessing depending on what the current setting is,
  3. try using multiprocessing together with a fork method (see Global configurations).

For more information on this issue see the Scikit-learn FAQ.

Array copying during fitting

When the number of folds is greater than 2, it is not possible to slice the full data in such a way as to return a view of that array (i.e. without copying any data). Hence for fold numbers larger than 2, each subprocess will in fact trigger a copy of the training data (which can be from 67% to 99% of the full data size). A possible alleviation to this problem is to memmap the required slices before estimation to avoid creating new copies in each subprocess. However this will induce the equivalent of several copies of the underlying data to be persisted to disk and may instead lead to the issue remaining as a disk-bound issue. Since elementary diagnostics suggest that for data sizes where memory becomes a constraining factor, increasing the number of folds beyond 2 does not significantly impact performance and at this time of writing this is the suggested approach. For further information on avoiding copying data during estimation, see Memory consumption.

File permissions on Windows

During ensemble estimation, ML-Ensemble will create a temporary directory and populate it with training data and predictions, along with pickled estimators and transformers. Each subprocess is given an container object that points to the objects in the directory, and once the estimation is done the temporary directory is cleaned and removed. The native python execution of the termination typically fails due to how Windows gives read and write permission between processes. To overcome this, ML-Ensemble runs an explicit shell command (rmdir -s -q dir) that forcibly removes the cache. Current testing on development machines indicates this exception handling is successful and Windows users should not expect any issues. If however you do notice memory performance issues, create an issue at the issue tracker.