Source code for mlens.utils.dummy


:author: Sebastian Flennerhag
:copyright: 2017
:license: MIT

Collection of dummy estimator classes, Mixins to build transparent layers for
unit testing.

Also contains pre-made Layer, LayerContainers and data generation functions
for unit testing.

from __future__ import division, print_function

import gc
import os
import shutil
from abc import abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import warnings
from ..externals.joblib import Parallel, dump, load

from ..parallel.manager import  Job
from .exceptions import NotFittedError
from ..externals.sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, clone
from ..externals.sklearn.validation import check_X_y, check_array
from ..base import INDEXERS
from ..ensemble.base import Layer, LayerContainer
from ..parallel.manager import ENGINES

[docs]class OLS(BaseEstimator): """No frills vanilla OLS estimator implemented through the normal equation. MWE of a Scikit-learn estimator. OLS is a simple estimator designed to allow for total control over predictions in unit testing. It implements OLS through the Normal Equation, no learning takes place. The ``offset`` option allows the user to offset weights by a scalar value, if different instances should be differentiated in their predictions. Parameters ---------- offset : float (default = 0) scalar value to add to the coefficient vector after fitting. Examples -------- Asserting the OLS passes the Scikit-learn estimator test >>> from sklearn.utils.estimator_checks import check_estimator >>> from mlens.utils.dummy import OLS >>> check_estimator(OLS) OLS comparison with Scikit-learn's LinearRegression >>> from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal >>> from mlens.utils.dummy import OLS >>> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression >>> from sklearn.datasets import load_boston >>> X, y = load_boston(True) >>> >>> lr = LinearRegression(False) >>>, y) >>> >>> ols = OLS() >>>, y) >>> >>> assert_array_equal(lr.coef_, ols.coef_) """ def __init__(self, offset=0): self.offset = offset
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """Fit coefficient vector.""" X, y = check_X_y(X, y, accept_sparse=False) O = np.linalg.lstsq(X, y) self.coef_ = O[0] + self.offset self.resid_ = O[1] return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Predict with fitted weights.""" if not hasattr(self, 'coef_'): raise NotFittedError("Estimator not fitted. Call 'fit' first.") X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=False) return, self.coef_.T)
# FIXME: Needs a quality check!
[docs]class LogisticRegression(OLS): """No frill Logistic Regressor w. one-vs-rest estimation of P(label). MWE of a Scikit-learn classifier. LogisticRegression is a simple classifier estimator designed for transparency in unit testing. It implements a Logistic Regression with one-vs-rest strategy of classification. The estimator is a wrapper around the :class:`OLS`. The OLS prediction is squashed using the Sigmoid function, and classification is done by picking the label with the highest probability. The ``offset`` option allows the user to offset weights in the OLS by a scalar value, if different instances should be differentiated in their predictions. Examples -------- Asserting the LogisticRegression passes the Scikit-learn estimator test >>> from sklearn.utils.estimator_checks import check_estimator >>> from mlens.utils.dummy import LogisticRegression >>> check_estimator(LogisticRegression) Comparison with Scikit-learn's LogisticRegression >>> from mlens.utils.dummy import LogisticRegression as mlensL >>> from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression as sklearnL >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_classification >>> X, y = make_classification() >>> >>> slr = sklearnL() >>>, y) >>> >>> mlr = mlensL() >>>, y) >>> >>> (mlr.predict(X) == slr.predict(X)).sum() / y.shape array([ 0.98]) """
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """Fit one model per label.""" X, y = check_X_y(X, y, accept_sparse=False) self.labels_ = np.unique(y) models = [] for label in self.labels_: labels = y == label models.append(super(LogisticRegression, clone(self)).fit(X, labels)) self._models_ = models self.coef_ = np.vstack([l.coef_ for l in self._models_]) return self
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): """Get probability predictions.""" if not hasattr(self, '_models_'): raise NotFittedError("Estimator not fitted. Call 'fit' first.") X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=False) preds = [] for m in self._models_: p = 1 / (1 + np.exp(- m._predict(X))) preds.append(p) return np.vstack(preds).T
def _predict(self, X): """Original OLS prediction.""" return super(LogisticRegression, self).predict(X)
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Get label predictions.""" if not hasattr(self, '_models_'): raise NotFittedError("Estimator not fitted. Call 'fit' first.") X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=False) preds = self.predict_proba(X) labels = np.zeros(X.shape[0]) for i in range(X.shape[0]): labels[i] = self.labels_[preds[i].argmax()] return labels
[docs]class Scale(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """Removes the a learnt mean in a column-wise manner in an array. MWE of a Scikit-learn transformer, to be used for unit-tests of ensemble classes. Parameters ---------- copy : bool (default = True) Whether to copy X before transforming. Examples -------- Asserting :class:`Scale` passes the Scikit-learn estimator test >>> from sklearn.utils.estimator_checks import check_estimator >>> from mlens.utils.dummy import Scale >>> check_estimator(Scale) Scaling elements >>> from numpy import arange >>> from mlens.utils.dummy import Scale >>> X = arange(6).reshape(3, 2) >>> X[:, 1] *= 2 >>> print('X:') >>> print('%r' % X) >>> print('Scaled:') >>> S = Scale().fit_transform(X) >>> print('%r' % S) X: array([[ 0, 2], [ 2, 6], [ 4, 10]]) Scaled: array([[-2., -4.], [ 0., 0.], [ 2., 4.]]) """ def __init__(self, copy=True): self.copy = copy self.__is_fitted__ = False
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Estimate mean. Parameters ---------- X : array-like training data to fit transformer on. y : array-like or None pass through for pipeline. """ X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr') self.__is_fitted__ = True self.mean_ = X.mean(axis=0) return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): """Transform array by adjusting all elements with scale. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray matrix to transform. """ if not self.__is_fitted__: raise NotFittedError("Estimator not fitted.") X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr') Xt = X.copy() if self.copy else X return Xt - self.mean_
[docs]class InitMixin(object): """Mixin to make a mlens ensemble behave as Scikit-learn estimator. Scikit-learn expects an estimator to be fully initialized when instantiated, but an ML-Ensemble estimator requires layers to be initialized before calling ``fit`` or ``predict`` makes sense. ``InitMixin`` is intended to be used to create temporary test classes of proper mlens ensemble classes that are identical to the parent class except that ``__init__`` will also initialize one layer with one estimator, and if applicable one meta estimator. The layer estimator and the meta estimator are both the dummy ``AverageRegressor`` class to minimize complexity and avoids raising errors due to the estimators in the layers. To create a testing class, modify the ``__init__`` of the test class to call ``super().__init__`` as in the example below. Examples -------- Assert the :class:`SuperLearner` passes the Scikit-learn estimator test >>> from sklearn.utils.estimator_checks import check_estimator >>> from mlens.ensemble import SuperLearner >>> from mlens.utils.dummy import InitMixin >>> >>> class TestSuperLearner(InitMixin, SuperLearner): ... ... def __init__(self): ... super(TestSuperLearner, self).__init__() >>> >>> check_estimator(TestSuperLearner) """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self): # Instantiate class super(InitMixin, self).__init__() # The test is parallelized and Scikit-learn estimators default to # n_jobs = 1, so need to coerce ensembles to the same behavior self.n_jobs = 1 # Build an ensemble consisting of two OLS estimators in the first # layer, and a single on top. if getattr(self, 'layers', None) is None: getattr(self, 'add')([OLS(offset=1), OLS(offset=2)]) getattr(self, 'add_meta')(OLS())
############################################################################### # Pre-made Layer and LayerContainer classes PREPROCESSING = {'no': [], 'sc': [('scale', Scale())]} ESTIMATORS = {'sc': [('offs', OLS(offset=2))], 'no': [('offs', OLS(offset=2)), ('null', OLS())]} ESTIMATORS_PROBA = {'sc': [('offs', LogisticRegression(offset=2))], 'no': [('offs', LogisticRegression(offset=2)), ('null', LogisticRegression())]} ECM = [('ols-%i' % i, OLS(offset=i)) for i in range(4)] ECM_PROBA = [('lr-%i' % i, LogisticRegression(offset=i)) for i in range(4)] ############################################################################### # Data generation functions and Layer estimation wrappers
[docs]class LayerGenerator(object): """Class for generating architectures of various types.""" def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def get_layer(self, kls, proba, preprocessing, *args, **kwargs): """Generate a layer instance. Parameters ---------- kls : str class type proba : bool whether to set ``proba`` to ``True`` preprocessing : bool layer with preprocessing cases """ indexer, kwargs = self.load_indexer(kls, args, kwargs) if preprocessing: ests = ESTIMATORS_PROBA if proba else ESTIMATORS return Layer(estimators=ests, cls=kls, proba=proba, indexer=indexer, dtype=np.float, partitions=1 if kls != 'subset' else indexer.n_partitions, preprocessing=PREPROCESSING) else: ests = ECM_PROBA if proba else ECM return Layer(estimators=ests, cls=kls, proba=proba, indexer=indexer, dtype=np.float, partitions=1 if kls != 'subset' else indexer.n_partitions)
[docs] def get_layer_container(self, kls, proba, preprocessing, *args, **kwargs): """Generate a layer container instance. Parameters ---------- kls : str class type proba : bool whether to set ``proba`` to ``True`` preprocessing : bool layer with preprocessing cases """ indexer, kwargs = self.load_indexer(kls, args, kwargs) if preprocessing: ests = ESTIMATORS_PROBA if proba else ESTIMATORS return LayerContainer().add(estimators=ests, cls=kls, proba=proba, indexer=indexer, preprocessing=PREPROCESSING, dtype=np.float64, **kwargs) else: ests = ECM_PROBA if proba else ECM return LayerContainer().add(estimators=ests, cls=kls, proba=proba, indexer=indexer, dtype=np.float64, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_indexer(kls, args, kwargs): """Load indexer and return remaining kwargs""" indexer = INDEXERS[kls] idx_kwargs = dict() for var in indexer.__init__.__code__.co_varnames: if var in kwargs: idx_kwargs[var] = kwargs.pop(var) indexer = indexer(*args, **idx_kwargs) return indexer, kwargs
[docs]class Cache(object): """Object for controlling caching.""" def __init__(self, X, y, data): path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tmp') try: shutil.rmtree(path) except Exception: pass os.mkdir(path) self.path = path paths = {} for name, arr in zip(('X', 'y'), (X, y)): f = os.path.join(path, '%s.mmap' % name) paths[name] = f if os.path.exists(f): os.unlink(f) dump(arr, f) X = load(paths['X'], mmap_mode='r') y = load(paths['y'], mmap_mode='r') # Prediction for fit f = os.path.join(path, 'Pf.mmap') if os.path.exists(f): os.unlink(f) n = data.indexer.n_test_samples s = data.n_pred if data.proba: self.classes_ = data.classes_ s *= data.classes_ P_f = np.memmap(f, dtype=np.float64, shape=(n, s), mode='w+') # Prediction for predict f = os.path.join(path, 'Pp.mmap') if os.path.exists(f): os.unlink(f) n = data.indexer.n_samples s = data.n_pred if data.proba: s *= data.classes_ P_p = np.memmap(f, dtype=np.float64, shape=(n, s), mode='w+') # Prediction for transform f = os.path.join(path, 'Pt.mmap') if os.path.exists(f): os.unlink(f) n = data.indexer.n_test_samples s = data.n_pred if data.proba: s *= data.classes_ P_t = np.memmap(f, dtype=np.float64, shape=(n, s), mode='w+') self.job = {'X': X, 'y': y, 'P_fit': P_f, 'P_predict': P_p, 'P_transform': P_t, 'dir': self.path}
[docs] def store_X_y(self, X, y, as_csv=False): """Save X and y to file in temporary directory.""" if not as_csv: xf, yf = (os.path.join(self.path, 'X_mapped.npy'), os.path.join(self.path, 'y_mapped.npy')), X), y) else: xf, yf = (os.path.join(self.path, 'X_mapped.csv'), os.path.join(self.path, 'y_mapped.csv')) np.savetxt(xf, X) np.savetxt(yf, y) return xf, yf
[docs] def layer_est(self, layer, attr): """Test the estimation routine for a layer.""" est = ENGINES[layer.cls] # Wrap in try-except to always close the tmp if asked to with Parallel(temp_folder=self.job['dir'], mmap_mode='r+', max_nbytes=None) as parallel: # Run test job = Job(attr) job.y = self.job['y'] job.dir = self.job['dir'] job.predict_in = self.job['X'] if attr == 'fit': job.predict_out = self.job['P_fit'] elif attr == 'transform': job.predict_out = self.job['P_transform'] else: job.predict_out = self.job['P_predict'] if hasattr(self, 'classes_'): layer.classes_ = self.classes_ e = est(layer=layer, job=job) e(parallel) # Get prediction output P = self.job['P_%s' % attr.split('_')[0]] preds = np.asarray(P) return preds
[docs] def terminate(self): """Remove temporary items in directory during tests.""" del self.job gc.collect() try: shutil.rmtree(self.path) except OSError: warnings.warn("Failed to destroy temporary test cache at %s" % dir) os.mkdir(self.path)
[docs]class Data(object): """Class for getting data.""" def __init__(self, cls, proba, preprocessing, *args, **kwargs): self.proba = proba self.preprocessing = preprocessing self.cls = cls self.indexer = INDEXERS[cls](*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_data(self, shape, m): """Generate X and y data with X. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple shape of data to be generated m : int length of step function for y Returns ------- train : ndarray generated as a sequence of reshaped to (LEN, WIDTH) labels : ndarray generated as a step-function with a step every ``m``. As such, each prediction fold during cross-validation have a unique level value. """ s = shape[0] w = shape[1] train = np.array(range(int(s * w)), dtype='float').reshape((s, w)) train += 1 labels = np.zeros(train.shape[0]) if not self.proba: increment = 10 for i in range(0, s, m): labels[i:i + m] += increment increment += 10 else: labels = np.arange(train.shape[0]) % 2 return train, labels
def _set_up_est(self, y): """Get estimators, preprocessing, num_ests, predict attr to use.""" attr = 'predict_proba' if self.proba else 'predict' labels = len(np.unique(y)) if self.proba else 1 if self.preprocessing: ests = ESTIMATORS_PROBA if self.proba else ESTIMATORS prep = PREPROCESSING n_ests = 0 for case in ests: for _ in ests[case]: n_ests += 1 else: ests = {'no-case': ECM_PROBA if self.proba else ECM} prep = {'no-case': []} n_ests = len(ests['no-case']) self.classes_ = labels self.n_pred = n_ests if self.cls == 'subset': self.n_pred *= self.indexer.n_partitions return ests, prep, n_ests, attr, labels def _folded_ests(self, X, y, subsets=1, verbose=True): """Build ground truth for each fold.""" if verbose: print(' FOLD OUTPUT') print('-' * 100) print(' EST |' ' TRI |' ' TEI |' ' TEST LABELS |' ' TRAIN LABELS |' ' COEF |' ' PRED') ests, prep, n_ests, attr, labels = self._set_up_est(y) t = [t for _, t in self.indexer.generate(X, True)] t = np.unique(np.hstack(t)) t.sort() weights = [] F = np.zeros((len(t), n_ests * subsets * labels), dtype=np.float) col_id = {} col_ass = 0 # Sort at every occasion for key in sorted(prep): for i, (tri, tei) in enumerate(self.indexer.generate(X, True)): if subsets > 1: i = i // self.indexer.n_splits else: i = 0 for est_name, est in ests[key]: if '%s-%s-%s' % (i, key, est_name) not in col_id: col_id['%s-%s-%s' % (i, key, est_name)] = col_ass col_ass += labels xtrain = X[tri] xtest = X[tei] # Transform inputs for _, tr in prep[key]: t = clone(tr) xtrain = t.fit_transform(xtrain) xtest = t.transform(xtest) # Fit estimator e = clone(est).fit(xtrain, y[tri]) w = e.coef_ weights.append(w.tolist()) # Get out-of-sample predictions p = getattr(e, attr)(xtest) rebase = X.shape[0] - F.shape[0] fix = tei - rebase if labels == 1: F[fix, col_id['%s-%s-%s' % (i, key, est_name)]] = p else: c = col_id['%s-%s-%s' % (i, key, est_name)] F[np.ix_(fix, np.arange(c, c + labels))] = p try: if verbose: print('%s | %r | %r | %r | %r | %13r | %r' % ( '%s-%s' % (key, est_name), list(tri), list(tei), [float('%.1f' % i) for i in y[tei]], [float('%.1f' % i) for i in y[tri]], [float('%.1f' % i) for i in w], [float('%.1f' % i) for i in p])) except Exception: pass return F, weights def _full_ests(self, X, y, subsets=1, verbose=True): """Get ground truth for train and predict on full data.""" if verbose: print('\n FULL PREDICTION OUTPUT') print('-' * 100) print(' EST |' ' GROUND TRUTH |' ' COEF |' ' PRED') ests, prep, n_ests, attr, labels = self._set_up_est(y) if subsets == 1: tri = [t for t, _ in self.indexer.generate(X, True)] tri = np.unique(np.hstack(tri)) indexer = DummyPartition(tri) else: indexer = self.indexer P = np.zeros((X.shape[0], n_ests * subsets * labels), dtype=np.float) weights = list() col_id = {} col_ass = 0 for key in sorted(prep): for i, tri in enumerate(indexer.partition(as_array=True)): for est_name, est in ests[key]: if '%s-%s-%s' % (i, key, est_name) not in col_id: col_id['%s-%s-%s' % (i, key, est_name)] = col_ass col_ass += labels # Transform input xtrain = X[tri] ytrain = y[tri] xtest = X for _, tr in prep[key]: t = clone(tr) xtrain = t.fit_transform(xtrain) xtest = t.transform(xtest) # Fit est e = clone(est).fit(xtrain, ytrain) w = e.coef_ weights.append(w.tolist()) # Predict p = getattr(e, attr)(xtest) c = col_id['%s-%s-%s' % (i, key, est_name)] if labels == 1: P[:, c] = p else: P[:, c:c + labels] = p try: if verbose: print('%s | %r | %11r | %r' % ( '%s-%s' % (key, est_name), [float('%.1f' % i) for i in y], [float('%.1f' % i) for i in w], [float('%.1f' % i) for i in p])) except Exception: pass return P, weights
[docs] def ground_truth(self, X, y, subsets=1, verbose=False): """Set up an experiment ground truth. Returns ------- F : ndarray Full prediction array (train errors) P : ndarray Folded prediction array (test errors) Raises ------ AssertionError : Raises assertion error if any weight vectors overlap or any predictions (as measured by columns in F and P) are judged to be equal. """ if verbose: print(' CONSTRUCTING GROUND TRUTH\n') # Build predictions matrices. N = 0 for case in ESTIMATORS: N += len(ESTIMATORS[case]) F, weights_f = self._folded_ests(X, y, subsets, verbose) P, weights_p = self._full_ests(X, y, subsets, verbose) if verbose: print('\n SUMMARY') print('-' * 42) col = 0 for case in sorted(ESTIMATORS): for est_name, _ in ESTIMATORS[case]: if verbose: print('%s | %6s: %20r' % ( '%s-%s' % (case, est_name), 'FULL', [float('%.1f' % i) for i in P[:, col]])) print('%s | %6s: %20r' % ( '%s-%s' % (case, est_name), 'FOLDS', [float('%.1f' % i) for i in F[:, col]])) col += 1 if verbose: print('GT : %r' % [float('%.1f' % i) for i in y]) print('\nCHECKING UNIQUENESS...', end=' ') for i in range(N): for j in range(N): if j > i: if P.shape[0] == F.shape[0]: assert not np.equal(P[:, i], P[:, j]).all() assert not np.equal(F[:, i], F[:, j]).all() assert not np.equal(P[:, i], F[:, j]).all() assert not np.equal(F[:, i], P[:, j]).all() if verbose: print('OK.') return (F, weights_f), (P, weights_p)
[docs]class DummyPartition(object): """Dummy class to generate tri.""" def __init__(self, tri): self.tri = tri
[docs] def partition(self, as_array=True): """Return the tri index.""" if as_array: pass yield self.tri
[docs]def layer_fit(layer, cache, F, wf): """Test the layer's fit method.""" # Check predictions against ground truth preds = cache.layer_est(layer, 'fit') np.testing.assert_array_equal(preds, F) # Check coefficients d = layer.estimators_ if layer.cls != 'blend': d = d[layer.n_pred:] ests = [(c, tup) for c, tup in d] w = [tup[1][1].coef_.tolist() for tup in ests] assert w == wf assert preds.__class__.__name__ == 'ndarray' for i in layer.estimators_: assert i[1][1].coef_.__class__.__name__ == 'ndarray'
[docs]def layer_predict(layer, cache, P, wp): """Test the layer's predict method.""" preds = cache.layer_est(layer, 'predict') np.testing.assert_array_equal(preds, P) # Check weights d = layer.estimators_ ests = [(c, tup) for c, tup in d[:layer.n_pred]] w = [tup[1][1].coef_.tolist() for tup in ests] assert w == wp
[docs]def layer_transform(layer, cache, F): """Test the layer's transform method.""" # Check predictions against ground truth preds = cache.layer_est(layer, 'transform') # Check predictions against GT np.testing.assert_array_equal(preds, F)
[docs]def lc_fit(lc, X, y, F, wf): """Test the layer containers fit method.""" out =, y, return_preds=True) # Test preds np.testing.assert_array_equal(F, out[-1]) # Test coefs d = lc.layers['layer-1'].estimators_ if lc.layers['layer-1'].cls != 'blend': d = d[lc.layers['layer-1'].n_pred:] ests = [(c, tup) for c, tup in d] w = [tup[1][1].coef_.tolist() for tup in ests] assert w == wf assert out[-1].__class__.__name__ == 'ndarray' for i in lc.layers['layer-1'].estimators_: assert i[1][1].coef_.__class__.__name__ == 'ndarray'
[docs]def lc_predict(lc, X, P, wp): """Test the layer containers predict method.""" pred = lc.predict(X) # Test preds np.testing.assert_array_equal(P, pred) # Test coefs d = lc.layers['layer-1'].estimators_ ests = [(c, tup) for c, tup in d[:lc.layers['layer-1'].n_pred]] w = [tup[1][1].coef_.tolist() for tup in ests] assert w == wp
[docs]def lc_transform(lc, X, F): """Test the layer containers transform method.""" pred = lc.transform(X) np.testing.assert_array_equal(pred, F)
[docs]def lc_feature_prop(lc, X, y, F): """Test input feature propagation.""" feature_prop = lc.layers["layer-1"].propagate_features n = lc.layers["layer-1"].n_feature_prop r = X.shape[0] - F.shape[0] preds =, y, return_preds=True)[1] np.testing.assert_array_equal(X[r:, feature_prop], preds[:, :n]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(F, preds[:, n:])
[docs]def lc_from_file(lc, cache, X, y, F, wf, P, wp): """Fit a layer container from file path to numpy array.""" X_path, y_path = cache.store_X_y(X, y) # TEST FIT out =, y_path, return_preds=True) np.testing.assert_array_equal(F, out[-1]) d = lc.layers['layer-1'].estimators_ if lc.layers['layer-1'].cls != 'blend': d = d[lc.layers['layer-1'].n_pred:] ests = [(c, tup) for c, tup in d] w = [tup[1][1].coef_.tolist() for tup in ests] assert w == wf # TEST MMAP assert out[-1].__class__.__name__ == 'ndarray' for e in lc.layers['layer-1'].estimators_: assert e[1][1].coef_.__class__.__name__ == 'ndarray' # TEST PREDICT out = lc.predict(X_path) np.testing.assert_array_equal(P, out) d = lc.layers['layer-1'].estimators_ ests = [(c, tup) for c, tup in d[:lc.layers['layer-1'].n_pred]] w = [tup[1][1].coef_.tolist() for tup in ests] assert w == wp
[docs]def lc_from_csv(lc, cache, X, y, F, wf, P, wp): """Fit a layer container from file path to csv.""" X_path, y_path = cache.store_X_y(X, y, as_csv=True) # TEST FIT out =, y_path, return_preds=True) np.testing.assert_array_equal(F, out[-1]) d = lc.layers['layer-1'].estimators_ if lc.layers['layer-1'].cls != 'blend': d = d[lc.layers['layer-1'].n_pred:] ests = [(c, tup) for c, tup in d] w = [tup[1][1].coef_.tolist() for tup in ests] assert w == wf # TEST MMAP assert out[-1].__class__.__name__ == 'ndarray' for e in lc.layers['layer-1'].estimators_: assert e[1][1].coef_.__class__.__name__ == 'ndarray' # TEST PREDICT out = lc.predict(X_path) np.testing.assert_array_equal(P, out) d = lc.layers['layer-1'].estimators_ ests = [(c, tup) for c, tup in d[:lc.layers['layer-1'].n_pred]] w = [tup[1][1].coef_.tolist() for tup in ests] assert w == wp