Source code for mlens.utils.checks


:author: Sebastian Flennerhag
:copyright: 2017
:licence: MIT

Controls that an estimator was built as expected.

import warnings
from .exceptions import (NotFittedError, LayerSpecificationWarning,
                         LayerSpecificationError, ParallelProcessingError,

[docs]def check_is_fitted(estimator, attr): """Check that ensemble has been fitted. Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator instance ensemble instance to check. attr : str attribute to assert existence of. """ msg = ("This %s instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with " "appropriate arguments before using this method.") if not hasattr(estimator, attr): raise NotFittedError(msg % type(estimator).__name__)
[docs]def check_ensemble_build(inst, attr='layers'): """Check that layers have been instantiated.""" if not hasattr(inst, attr): # No layer container. This should not happen! msg = ("No layer class attached to instance (%s). (Cannot find a " "'LayerContainer' class instance as attribute [%s].)") raise AttributeError(msg % (inst.__class__.__name__, attr)) if getattr(inst, attr) is None: # No layers instantiated. if not getattr(inst, 'raise_on_exception', True): msg = "No Layers in instance (%s). Nothing to fit / predict." warnings.warn(msg % inst.__class__.__name__, LayerSpecificationWarning) # For PASSED flag on soft fail return False else: msg = ("No Layers in instance (%s). Add layers before calling " "'fit' and 'predict'.") raise LayerSpecificationError(msg % inst.__class__.__name__) # For PASSED flag return True
[docs]def assert_valid_estimator(instance): """Assert that an instance has a ``get_params`` and ``fit`` method.""" has_get_params = hasattr(instance, 'get_params') has_fit = hasattr(instance, 'fit') if not has_get_params: raise TypeError("'%s' does not appear to be a valid" " estimator as it does not implement a " "'get_params' method. Type: " "%s" % (instance, type(instance))) if not has_fit: raise TypeError("'%s' does not appear to be a valid" " estimator as it does not implement a " "'fit' method. Type: " "%s" % (instance, type(instance))) try: instance.get_params() except TypeError: raise TypeError("'%s' does not appear to be an instance of an " "estimator class, but the class itself." % instance)
[docs]def assert_correct_format(estimators, preprocessing): """Initial check to assert layer can be constructed.""" if (preprocessing is None) or (isinstance(preprocessing, list)): if isinstance(estimators, dict): # Either no or uniform preprocessing, estimators should be list msg = ("Preprocessing is either 'None' or 'list': 'estimators' " "must be of type 'list'. Got %s.") raise LayerSpecificationError(msg % type(estimators)) else: # Check that both estimators and preprocessing are dicts if not isinstance(preprocessing, dict): msg = ("Unexpected format of 'preprocessing'. Needs to be " " of type 'None' or 'list' or 'dict'. Got %s .") raise LayerSpecificationError(msg % type(preprocessing)) if not isinstance(estimators, dict): msg = ("Unexpected format of 'estimators'. Needs to be " "'dict' when preprocessing is 'dict'. Got %s.") raise LayerSpecificationError(msg % type(estimators)) # Check that keys overlap prep_check = [key in preprocessing for key in estimators] est_check = [key in estimators for key in preprocessing] if not all(est_check): msg = ("Too few estimator cases to match preprocessing cases:\n" "estimator cases: %r\npreprocessing cases: %r") raise LayerSpecificationError(msg % (list(estimators), list(preprocessing))) if not all(prep_check): msg = ("Too few preprocessing cases to match estimators cases:\n" "preprocessing cases: %r\nestimator cases: %r") raise LayerSpecificationError(msg % (list(preprocessing), list(estimators)))
[docs]def check_initialized(inst): """Check if a ParallelProcessing instance is initialized properly.""" if not inst.__initialized__: msg = "ParallelProcessing is not initialized. Call " \ "'initialize' before calling 'fit'." raise ParallelProcessingError(msg) if getattr(inst, '__fitted__', None): if inst.layers.raise_on_exception: raise ParallelProcessingError("This instance is already " "fitted and its parallel " "processing jobs has not been " "terminated. To refit " "instance, call 'terminate' " "before calling 'fit'.") else: warnings.warn("This instance is already " "fitted and its parallel " "processing job has not been " "terminated. Will refit using previous job's cache.", ParallelProcessingWarning)