Source code for mlens.preprocessing.ensemble_transformer


:author: Sebastian Flennerhag
:copyright: 2017
:licence: MIT

Ensemble transformer class. Fully integrable with Scikit-learn.

from __future__ import division

from .. import config
from ..base import INDEXERS, IdTrain
from ..utils import check_ensemble_build, check_inputs
from ..ensemble.base import BaseEnsemble
from ..externals.sklearn.validation import check_random_state

[docs]class EnsembleTransformer(BaseEnsemble): r"""Ensemble Transformer class. The Ensemble class allows users to build layers of an ensemble through a transformer API. The transformer is closely related to :class:`SequentialEnsemble`, in that any accepted type of layer can be added. The transformer differs fundamentally in one significant aspect: when fitted, it will store a random sample of the training set together with the training dimensions, and if in a call to ``transform``, the data to be transformed correspodns to the training set, the transformer will recreate the prediction matrix from the ``fit`` call. In contrast, a fitted ensemble will only use the base learners fitted on the full dataset, and as such predicting the training set will not reproduce the predictions from the ``fit`` call. The :class:`EnsembleTransformer` is a powerful tool to use as a preprocessing pipeline in an :class:`Evaluator` instance, as it would faithfully recreate the prediction matrix a potential meta learner would face. Hence, a user can 'preprocess' the training data with the :class:`EnsembleTransformer` to generate k-fold base learner predictions, and then fit different meta learners (or higher-order layers) in a call to ``evaluate``. See Also -------- :class:`SequentialEnsemble`, :class:`Evaluator` Parameters ---------- shuffle : bool (default = True) whether to shuffle data before generating folds. random_state : int (default = None) random seed if shuffling inputs. scorer : object (default = None) scoring function. If a function is provided, base estimators will be scored on the training set assembled for fitting the meta estimator. Since those predictions are out-of-sample, the scores represent valid test scores. The scorer should be a function that accepts an array of true values and an array of predictions: ``score = f(y_true, y_pred)``. raise_on_exception : bool (default = True) whether to issue warnings on soft exceptions or raise error. Examples include lack of layers, bad inputs, and failed fit of an estimator in a layer. If set to ``False``, warnings are issued instead but estimation continues unless exception is fatal. Note that this can result in unexpected behavior unless the exception is anticipated. sample_dim : int (default = 10) dimensionality of training set to sample. During a call to `fit`, a random sample of size [sample_dim, sample_dim] will be sampled from the training data, along with the dimensions of the training data. If in a call to ``transform``, sampling the same indices on the array to transform gives the same sample matrix, the transformer will reproduce the predictions from the call to ``fit``, as opposed to using the base learners fitted on the full training data. array_check : int (default = 2) level of strictness in checking input arrays. - ``array_check = 0`` will not check ``X`` or ``y`` - ``array_check = 1`` will check ``X`` and ``y`` for inconsistencies and warn when format looks suspicious, but retain original format. - ``array_check = 2`` will impose Scikit-learn array checks, which converts ``X`` and ``y`` to numpy arrays and raises an error if conversion fails. verbose : int or bool (default = False) level of verbosity. * ``verbose = 0`` silent (same as ``verbose = False``) * ``verbose = 1`` messages at start and finish (same as ``verbose = True``) * ``verbose = 2`` messages for each layer If ``verbose >= 50`` prints to ``sys.stdout``, else ``sys.stderr``. For verbosity in the layers themselves, use ``fit_params``. n_jobs : int (default = 1) number of CPU cores to use for fitting and prediction. Attributes ---------- scores\_ : dict if ``scorer`` was passed to instance, ``scores_`` contains dictionary with cross-validated scores assembled during ``fit`` call. The fold structure used for scoring is determined by ``folds``. Examples -------- >>> from mlens.preprocessing import EnsembleTransformer >>> from mlens.model_selection import Evaluator >>> from mlens.metrics.metrics import rmse >>> from sklearn.datasets import load_boston >>> from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso >>> from sklearn.svm import SVR >>> from scipy.stats import uniform >>> from pandas import DataFrame >>> >>> X, y = load_boston(True) >>> >>> ensemble = EnsembleTransformer() >>> >>> ensemble.add('stack', [SVR(), Lasso()]) >>> >>> evl = Evaluator(scorer=rmse, random_state=10) >>> >>> evl.preprocess(X, y, [('scale', ensemble)]) >>> >>> draws = {(None, 'svr'): {'C': uniform(10, 100)}, ... (None, 'lasso'): {'alpha': uniform(0.01, 0.1)}} >>> >>> evl.evaluate(X, y, [SVR(), Lasso()], draws, n_iter=10) >>> >>> DataFrame(evl.summary) fit_time_mean fit_time_std test_score_mean test_score_std \ lasso 0.000818 0.000362 7.514181 0.827578 svr 0.009790 0.000596 10.949149 0.577554 train_score_mean train_score_std params lasso 6.228287 0.949872 {'alpha': 0.0871320643267} svr 5.794856 1.348409 {'C': 12.0751949359} """ def __init__(self, shuffle=False, random_state=None, scorer=None, raise_on_exception=True, array_check=2, verbose=False, n_jobs=1, layers=None, backend=None, sample_dim=10): super(EnsembleTransformer, self).__init__( shuffle=shuffle, random_state=random_state, scorer=scorer, raise_on_exception=raise_on_exception, verbose=verbose, n_jobs=n_jobs, layers=layers, backend=backend, array_check=array_check) self.sample_dim = sample_dim self.id_train = IdTrain(size=sample_dim)
[docs] def add(self, cls, estimators, preprocessing=None, **kwargs): """Add layer to ensemble transformer. Parameters ---------- cls : str layer class. Accepted types are: * 'blend' : blend ensemble * 'subset' : subsemble * 'stack' : super learner estimators: dict of lists or list or instance estimators constituting the layer. If preprocessing is none and the layer is meant to be the meta estimator, it is permissible to pass a single instantiated estimator. If ``preprocessing`` is ``None`` or ``list``, ``estimators`` should be a ``list``. The list can either contain estimator instances, named tuples of estimator instances, or a combination of both. :: option_1 = [estimator_1, estimator_2] option_2 = [("est-1", estimator_1), ("est-2", estimator_2)] option_3 = [estimator_1, ("est-2", estimator_2)] If different preprocessing pipelines are desired, a dictionary that maps estimators to preprocessing pipelines must be passed. The names of the estimator dictionary must correspond to the names of the estimator dictionary. :: preprocessing_cases = {"case-1": [trans_1, trans_2], "case-2": [alt_trans_1, alt_trans_2]} estimators = {"case-1": [est_a, est_b], "case-2": [est_c, est_d]} The lists for each dictionary entry can be any of ``option_1``, ``option_2`` and ``option_3``. preprocessing: dict of lists or list, optional (default = None) preprocessing pipelines for given layer. If the same preprocessing applies to all estimators, ``preprocessing`` should be a list of transformer instances. The list can contain the instances directly, named tuples of transformers, or a combination of both. :: option_1 = [transformer_1, transformer_2] option_2 = [("trans-1", transformer_1), ("trans-2", transformer_2)] option_3 = [transformer_1, ("trans-2", transformer_2)] If different preprocessing pipelines are desired, a dictionary that maps preprocessing pipelines must be passed. The names of the preprocessing dictionary must correspond to the names of the estimator dictionary. :: preprocessing_cases = {"case-1": [trans_1, trans_2], "case-2": [alt_trans_1, alt_trans_2]} estimators = {"case-1": [est_a, est_b], "case-2": [est_c, est_d]} The lists for each dictionary entry can be any of ``option_1``, ``option_2`` and ``option_3``. **kwargs : optional optional keyword arguments to instantiate layer with. See respective ensemble for further details. Returns ------- self : instance ensemble instance with layer instantiated. """ if cls not in INDEXERS: raise NotImplementedError("Layer class not implemented. Select " "one of %r." % sorted(INDEXERS)) # If no kwargs, instantiate with defaults if kwargs is None: return self._add(estimators, cls, INDEXERS[cls](), preprocessing) # Else, pop arguments belonging to the indexer indexer, kwargs_idx = INDEXERS[cls], dict() args = indexer.__init__.__code__.co_varnames for arg in args: if arg in kwargs: kwargs_idx[arg] = kwargs.pop(arg) if 'raise_on_exception' in args and \ 'raise_on_exception' not in kwargs_idx: kwargs_idx['raise_on_exception'] = self.raise_on_exception else: kwargs['raise_on_exception'] = kwargs_idx['raise_on_exception'] indexer = indexer(**kwargs_idx) return self._add(estimators=estimators, cls=cls, indexer=indexer, preprocessing=preprocessing, verbose=self.verbose, **kwargs)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit the transformer. Same as the fit method on an ensemble, except that a sample of X is stored for future comparison. """ X, y = check_inputs(X, y, self.array_check) return super(EnsembleTransformer, self).fit(X, y)
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Generate predictions for X. Same as ``transform``.""" return self.transform(X)
[docs] def transform(self, X, y=None): """Transform input :math:`X` into a prediction matrix :math:`Z`. If :math:`X` is the training set, the transformer will reproduce the :math:`Z` from the call to ``fit``. If X is another data set, :math:`Z` will be produced using base learners fitted on the full training data (equivalent to calling ``predict`` on an ensemble.) """ if not self.id_train.is_train(X): return super(EnsembleTransformer, self).predict(X) else: return self._transform(X)
def _transform(self, X): """Reproduce predictions from 'fit' call.""" if not check_ensemble_build(self): # No layers instantiated, but raise_on_exception is False return X, _ = check_inputs(X, check_level=self.array_check) if self.shuffle: r = check_random_state(self.random_state) idx = r.permutation(X.shape[0]) X = X[idx] y = self.layers.transform(X) if y.shape[1] == 1: # The meta estimator is treated as a layer and thus a prediction # matrix with shape [n_samples, 1] is created. Ravel before return y = y.ravel() return y