Source code for mlens.parallel.evaluation


:author: Sebastian Flennerhag
:copyright: 2017
:licence: MIT

Cross-validation jobs for an :class:`Evaluator` instance.

import os
import warnings

from ._base_functions import fit_trans, _slice_array, _transform
from ..externals.joblib import delayed
from ..utils import pickle_load
from ..utils.exceptions import FitFailedWarning
from ..externals.sklearn.base import clone

    from time import perf_counter as time
except ImportError:
    from time import time

[docs]class Evaluation(object): """Evaluation engine. Run a job for an :class:`Evaluator` instance. Parameters ---------- evaluator : :class:`Evaluator` Evaluator instance to run job for. """ def __init__(self, evaluator): self.evaluator = evaluator
[docs] def preprocess(self, parallel, X, y, dir): """Fit preprocessing pipelines. Fit all preprocessing pipelines in parallel and store as a ``preprocessing_`` attribute on the :class:`Evaluator`. Parameters ---------- parallel : :class:`joblib.Parallel` The instance to use for parallel fitting. X : array-like of shape [n_samples, n_features] Training set to use for estimation. Can be memmaped. y : array-like of shape [n_samples, ] labels for estimation. Can be memmaped. dir : directory of cache to dump fitted transformers before assembly. """ preprocessing = _expand_instance_list(self.evaluator.preprocessing, self.evaluator.indexer) parallel(delayed(fit_trans)(dir=dir, case=case, inst=instance_list, x=X, y=y, idx=tri) for case, tri, _, instance_list in preprocessing) self.evaluator.preprocessing_ = \ [(tup[0], pickle_load(os.path.join(dir, '%s__t' % tup[0]))) for tup in preprocessing]
[docs] def evaluate(self, parallel, X, y, dir): """cross-validation of estimators. Parameters ---------- parallel : :class:`joblib.Parallel` The instance to use for parallel fitting. X : array-like of shape [n_samples, n_features] Training set to use for estimation. Can be memmaped. y : array-like of shape [n_samples, ] labels for estimation. Can be memmaped. dir : str directory of cache to dump fitted transformers before assembly. """ preprocessing = dict(getattr(self.evaluator, 'preprocessing_', [])) estimators = _expand_instance_list(self.evaluator.estimators, self.evaluator.indexer) scores = parallel(delayed(fit_score)( case=case, tr_list=preprocessing[case] if case in preprocessing else [], est_name=est_name, est=est, params=(i, params), x=X, y=y, idx=(tri, tei), scorer=self.evaluator.scorer, error_score=self.evaluator.error_score) for case, tri, tei, est_list in estimators for est_name, est in est_list for i, params in enumerate( self.evaluator.params[_name(case, est_name)]) ) self.evaluator.scores_ = scores
############################################################################### def _name(case, est_name): """Get correct param_dict name.""" if case is not None: return case.split('__')[0], est_name.split('__')[0] else: return est_name.split('__')[0]
[docs]def fit_score(case, tr_list, est_name, est, params, x, y, idx, scorer, error_score): """Wrapper around fit function to determine how to handle exceptions.""" if error_score is None: # If fit or scoring fails, we raise errors. return _fit_score(case, tr_list, est_name, est, params, x, y, idx, scorer, error_score) else: # Otherwise, we issue a warning and set an error score. try: return _fit_score(case, tr_list, est_name, est, params, x, y, idx, scorer, error_score) except Exception as exception: warnings.warn("Cross validation failed. Setting error score {}" ".".format(error_score), FitFailedWarning) return case, est_name, params[0], error_score, error_score, 0
def _fit_score(case, tr_list, est_name, est, params, x, y, idx, scorer, error_score): """Fit an estimator and generate scores for train and test set.""" est = clone(est).set_params(**params[1]) # Prepare training set xtrain, ytrain = _slice_array(x, y, idx[0]) for tr_name, tr in tr_list: xtrain, ytrain = _transform(tr, xtrain, ytrain) # We might have to rebase the training labels since a BlendEnsemble would # make xtrain. Since Blend is sequential, we can discard the first 'n' # observation until the dimensions match rebase = ytrain.shape[0] - xtrain.shape[0] ytrain = ytrain[rebase:] # Fit estimator t0 = time() est =, ytrain) fit_time = time() - t0 # Prepare test set xtest, ytest = _slice_array(x, y, idx[1]) for tr_name, tr in tr_list: xtest = tr.transform(xtest) # Score train and test set train_score = scorer(est, xtrain, ytrain) test_score = scorer(est, xtest, ytest) return case, est_name, params[0], train_score, test_score, fit_time ############################################################################### def _expand_instance_list(instance_list, indexer): """Build a list of fold-specific estimation tuples w. train and test idx. The full learner library is copied for each fold and used for building the Z matrix of dimensions n * (L), where n is the number of training samples and L number of base learners. See Also -------- :obj:`mlens.parallel.stack._expand_instance_list` """ splits = indexer.n_splits if isinstance(instance_list, dict): # We need to build fit list on a case basis # --- Folds --- # Estimators to be fitted on each fold. List entries have format: # (case__fold_num, train_idx, test_idx, est_list) # Each est_list have entries (inst_name__fol_num, cloned_est) return [('%s__f%i' % (case, i % splits), tri, tei, [('%s__f%i' % (n, i % splits), clone(e)) for n, e in instance_list[case]]) for case in sorted(instance_list) for i, (tri, tei) in enumerate(indexer.generate()) ] else: # No cases to worry about: expand the list of named instance tuples # Estimators to be fitted on each fold. List entries have format: # (None, train_idx, test_idx, est_list) # Each est_list have entries (inst_name__fol_num, cloned_est) return [(None, tri, tei, [('%s__f%i' % (n, i % splits), clone(e)) for n, e in instance_list]) for i, (tri, tei) in enumerate(indexer.generate()) ]