Source code for mlens.parallel.estimation


:author: Sebastian Flennerhag
:copyright: 2017
:licence: MIT

Base class for estimation.

import numpy as np
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from ._base_functions import fit, predict, transform, construct_args
from ..utils import check_is_fitted, print_time, safe_print
from ..utils.exceptions import NotFittedError, ParallelProcessingWarning

    from time import perf_counter as time_
except ImportError:
    from time import time as time_

import warnings

FUNCS = {'fit': fit,
         'predict': predict,
         'predict_proba': predict,
         'transform': transform

[docs]class BaseEstimator(object): """Base class for estimating a layer in parallel. Estimation class to be used as based for a layer estimation engined that is callable by the :class:`ParallelProcess` job manager. A subclass must implement a constructor that accepts the following args: - ``job`` : the :class:`Job` instance containing relevant data - ``layer``: the :class:`Layer` instance to estimate - ``n``: the position in the :class:`LayerContainer` stack of the layer as well as a ``run`` method that accepts a :class:`Parallel` instance. Parameters ---------- layer : :class:`Layer` layer to be estimated. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod def __init__(self, layer): self.layer = layer def __call__(self, parallel): """Defines the job to complete. Parameters ---------- parallel : object :class:`Parallel` instance. """ if self.layer.verbose >= 2: printout = "stderr" if self.layer.verbose < 50 else "stdout" safe_print('Processing %s' %, file=printout) t0 = time_() if self.layer.verbose >= 2: print_time(t0, '%s Done' %, file=printout) @abstractmethod
[docs] def run(self, parallel): """Method for executing estimation. Default method relies on the default constructor. Both can be replaced if desired. Parameters ---------- parallel : object :class:`Parallel` instance. """ self.execute(self, parallel=parallel, **self.args)
def _default_initialization(self, job): """Utility method for default initialization scheme.""" self.dir = job.dir self.execute = FUNCS[job.job] self.args = construct_args(self.execute, job) def _build_scores(self, s): """Build a cv-score mapping.""" scores = dict() # Build shell dictionary with main estimators as keys for k, v in s[:self.layer.n_pred]: case_name, est_name = k.split('___') if case_name == '': name = est_name else: name = '%s__%s' % (case_name, est_name) scores[name] = [] # Populate with list of scores from folds for k, v in s[self.layer.n_pred:]: case_name, est_name = k.split('___') est_name = '__'.join(est_name.split('__')[:-1]) if '__' not in case_name: name = est_name else: case_name = case_name.split('__')[0] name = '%s__%s' % (case_name, est_name) scores[name].append(v) # Aggregate to get cross-validated mean scores for k, v in scores.items(): if None in v or len(v) == 0: continue try: scores[k] = (np.mean(v), np.std(v)) except Exception as exc: warnings.warn("Aggregating scores failed. Scores:\n%r\n" "Details: %r" % (v, exc), ParallelProcessingWarning) return scores def _check_fitted(self): """Utility function for checking that fitted estimators exist.""" check_is_fitted(self.layer, "estimators_") assert isinstance(self.layer.estimators_, list) if len(self.layer.estimators_) == 0: raise NotFittedError("No estimators successfully fitted.") def _retrieve(self, s): """Get transformers and estimators fitted on folds or on full data.""" n_pred = self.layer.n_pred n_prep = max(self.layer.n_prep, 1) if s == 'full': # If full, grab the first n_pred estimators, and the first # n_prep preprocessing pipelines, which are fitted on # the full training data. We take max on n_prep to avoid getting # empty preprocessing_ slice when n_prep = 0 when no preprocessing. ests = self.layer.estimators_[:n_pred] if self.layer.preprocessing_ is None: prep = None else: prep = dict(self.layer.preprocessing_[:n_prep]) elif s == 'fold': # If fold, grab the estimators after n_pred, and the preprocessing # pipelines after n_prep, which are fitted on folds of the # training data. ests = self.layer.estimators_[n_pred:] if self.layer.preprocessing_ is None: prep = None else: prep = dict(self.layer.preprocessing_[n_prep:]) else: raise ValueError("Argument not understood. Only 'full' and 'fold' " "are acceptable argument values.") return prep, ests