Source code for mlens.ensemble.base


:author: Sebastian Flennerhag
:copyright: 2017
:licence: MIT

Base classes for ensemble layer management.

from __future__ import division, print_function

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict

from .. import config
from ..base import INDEXERS
from ..parallel import ParallelProcessing
from ..externals.sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from ..externals.sklearn.validation import check_random_state
from ..utils import assert_correct_format, check_ensemble_build, \
    check_inputs, check_instances, print_time, safe_print
    # Try get performance counter
    from time import perf_counter as time
except ImportError:
    # Fall back on wall clock
    from time import time


[docs]class LayerContainer(BaseEstimator): r"""Container class for layers. The LayerContainer class stories all layers as an ordered dictionary and modifies possesses a ``get_params`` method to appear as an estimator in the Scikit-learn API. This allows correct cloning and parameter updating. Parameters ---------- layers : OrderedDict, None (default = None) An ordered dictionary of Layer instances. To initiate a new ``LayerContainer`` instance, set ``layers = None``. n_jobs : int (default = -1) Number of CPUs to use. Set ``n_jobs = -1`` for all available CPUs, and ``n_jobs = -2`` for all available CPUs except one, backend : str, (default="threading") the joblib backend to use (i.e. "multiprocessing" or "threading"). raise_on_exception : bool (default = False) raise error on soft exceptions. Otherwise issue warning. verbose : int or bool (default = False) level of verbosity. - ``verbose = 0`` silent (same as ``verbose = False``) - ``verbose = 1`` messages at start and finish (same as ``verbose = True``) - ``verbose = 2`` messages for each layer If ``verbose >= 50`` prints to ``sys.stdout``, else ``sys.stderr``. For verbosity in the layers themselves, use ``fit_params``. """ def __init__(self, layers=None, n_jobs=-1, backend=None, raise_on_exception=False, verbose=False): # True params self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.backend = backend if backend is not None else config.BACKEND self.raise_on_exception = raise_on_exception self.verbose = verbose # Set up layer self._init_layers(layers)
[docs] def add(self, estimators, cls, indexer=None, preprocessing=None, **kwargs): """Method for adding a layer. Parameters ----------- estimators: dict of lists or list estimators constituting the layer. If ``preprocessing`` is ``None`` or ``list``, ``estimators`` should be a ``list``. The list can either contain estimator instances, named tuples of estimator instances, or a combination of both. :: option_1 = [estimator_1, estimator_2] option_2 = [("est-1", estimator_1), ("est-2", estimator_2)] option_3 = [estimator_1, ("est-2", estimator_2)] If different preprocessing pipelines are desired, a dictionary that maps estimators to preprocessing pipelines must be passed. The names of the estimator dictionary must correspond to the names of the estimator dictionary. :: preprocessing_cases = {"case-1": [trans_1, trans_2]. "case-2": [alt_trans_1, alt_trans_2]} estimators = {"case-1": [est_a, est_b]. "case-2": [est_c, est_d]} The lists for each dictionary entry can be any of ``option_1``, ``option_2`` and ``option_3``. cls : str Type of layer, as defined by the estimation class to instantiate when processing a layer. See :mod:`mlens.ensemble` for available classes. indexer : instance or None (default = None) Indexer instance to use. Defaults to the layer class indexer with default settings. See :mod:`mlens.base` for details. preprocessing: dict of lists or list, optional (default = None) preprocessing pipelines for given layer. If the same preprocessing applies to all estimators, ``preprocessing`` should be a list of transformer instances. The list can contain the instances directly, named tuples of transformers, or a combination of both. :: option_1 = [transformer_1, transformer_2] option_2 = [("trans-1", transformer_1), ("trans-2", transformer_2)] option_3 = [transformer_1, ("trans-2", transformer_2)] If different preprocessing pipelines are desired, a dictionary that maps preprocessing pipelines must be passed. The names of the preprocessing dictionary must correspond to the names of the estimator dictionary. :: preprocessing_cases = {"case-1": [trans_1, trans_2]. "case-2": [alt_trans_1, alt_trans_2]} estimators = {"case-1": [est_a, est_b]. "case-2": [est_c, est_d]} The lists for each dictionary entry can be any of ``option_1``, ``option_2`` and ``option_3``. **kwargs : optional keyword arguments to be passed onto the layer at instantiation. Returns ---------- self : instance, optional if ``in_place = True``, returns ``self`` with the layer instantiated. """ # Check verbosity if kwargs is None: kwargs = {'verbose': self.verbose} elif 'verbose' not in kwargs: kwargs['verbose'] = self.verbose # Instantiate layer self.n_layers += 1 name = "layer-%i" % self.n_layers lyr = Layer(estimators=estimators, cls=cls, indexer=indexer, preprocessing=preprocessing, raise_on_exception=self.raise_on_exception, name=name, **kwargs) # Attach to ordered dictionary self.layers[name] = lyr self.layer_names.append(name) # Summarize self.summary[name] = self._get_layer_data(name) return self
[docs] def fit(self, X=None, y=None, return_preds=None, **process_kwargs): r"""Fit instance by calling ``predict_proba`` in the first layer. Similar to ``fit``, but will call the ``predict_proba`` method on estimators. Thus, each the ``n_test_samples * n_labels`` prediction matrix of each estimator will be stacked and used as input in the subsequent layer. Parameters ----------- X : array-like of shape = [n_samples, n_features] input matrix to be used for fitting and predicting. y : array-like of shape = [n_samples, ] training labels. return_preds : bool whether to return final prediction array **process_kwargs : optional optional arguments to initialize processor with. Returns ----------- out : dict dictionary of output data (possibly empty) generated through fitting. Keys correspond to layer names and values to the output generated by calling the layer's ``fit_function``. :: out = {'layer-i-estimator-j': some_data, ... 'layer-s-estimator-q': some_data} X : array-like, optional predictions from final layer's ``fit_proba`` call. """ pout, t0 = print_job(self, "Fitting") # Initialize cache processor = ParallelProcessing(self) processor.initialize('fit', X, y, **process_kwargs) # Fit ensemble try: processor.process() if self.verbose: print_time(t0, "Fit complete", file=pout, flush=True) # Generate output out = self._post_process(processor, return_preds) finally: # Always terminate processor processor.terminate() return out
[docs] def predict(self, X=None, *args, **kwargs): r"""Generic method for predicting through all layers in the container. Parameters ----------- X : array-like of shape = [n_samples, n_features] input matrix to be used for prediction. *args : optional optional arguments. **kwargs : optional optional keyword arguments. Returns ------- X_pred : array-like of shape = [n_samples, n_fitted_estimators] predictions from final layer. """ pout, t0 = print_job(self, "Predicting with") out = self._predict(X, 'predict', *args, **kwargs) if self.verbose: print_time(t0, "Prediction complete", file=pout, flush=True) return out
[docs] def transform(self, X=None, *args, **kwargs): """Generic method for reproducing predictions of the ``fit`` call. Parameters ----------- X : array-like of shape = [n_samples, n_features] input matrix to be used for prediction. *args : optional optional arguments. **kwargs : optional optional keyword arguments. Returns ------- X_pred : array-like of shape = [n_test_samples, n_fitted_estimators] predictions from ``fit`` call to final layer. """ if self.verbose: pout = "stdout" if self.verbose >= 3 else "stderr" safe_print("Transforming layers (%d)" % self.n_layers, file=pout, flush=True, end="\n\n") t0 = time() out = self._predict(X, 'transform', *args, **kwargs) if self.verbose: print_time(t0, "Transform complete", file=pout, flush=True) return out
def _predict(self, X, job, *args, **kwargs): r"""Generic for processing a predict job through all layers. Parameters ----------- X : array-like of shape = [n_samples, n_features] input matrix to be used for prediction. job : str type of prediction. Should be 'predict' or 'transform'. Returns ------- X_pred : array-like predictions from final layer. Either predictions from ``fit`` call or new predictions on X using base learners fitted on all training data. """ # Initialize cache processor = ParallelProcessing(self) processor.initialize(job, X, *args, **kwargs) # Predict with ensemble try: processor.process() preds = processor.get_preds() finally: # Always terminate job manager unless user explicitly initialized processor.terminate() return preds def _post_process(self, processor, return_preds): """Aggregate output from processing layers and _collect final preds.""" out = {'score_mean': {}, 'score_std': {}} for layer_name, layer in self.layers.items(): if layer.cls != 'full': # Layers of class 'full' make no cv predictions layer_scores = getattr(layer, 'scores_', None) if layer_scores is not None: for est_name, s in layer_scores.items(): out['score_mean'][(layer_name, est_name)] = s[0] out['score_std'][(layer_name, est_name)] = s[1] if len(out['score_mean']) == 0: out = None if return_preds: return out, processor.get_preds() else: return out def _init_layers(self, layers): """Return a clean ordered dictionary or copy the passed dictionary.""" if layers is None: layers = OrderedDict() layers.clear() self.layers = layers self.layer_names = list() self.n_layers = len(self.layers) self.summary = dict() for name in self.layers: self.summary[name] = self._get_layer_data(name) self.layer_names.append(name) def _get_layer_data(self, name, attr=('cls', 'n_prep', 'n_pred', 'n_est', 'cases')): """Utility for storing aggregate data about an added layer.""" return {k: getattr(self.layers[name], k, None) for k in attr}
[docs] def get_params(self, deep=True): """Get parameters for this estimator. Parameters ---------- deep : boolean, optional If True, will return the layers separately as individual parameters. If False, will return the collapsed dictionary. Returns ----------- params : dict mapping of parameter names mapped to their values. """ if not deep: return super(LayerContainer, self).get_params() out = {} for layer_name, layer in self.layers.items(): # Add each layer out[layer_name] = layer for key, val in layer.get_params(deep=True).items(): # Add the parameters (instances) of each layer out["%s__%s" % (layer_name, key)] = val return out
[docs]class Layer(BaseEstimator): r"""Layer of preprocessing pipes and estimators. Layer is an internal class that holds a layer and its associated data including an estimation procedure. It behaves as an estimator from an Scikit-learn API point of view. Parameters ---------- estimators: dict of lists or list estimators constituting the layer. If ``preprocessing`` is ``None`` or ``list``, ``estimators`` should be a ``list``. The list can either contain estimator instances, named tuples of estimator instances, or a combination of both. :: option_1 = [estimator_1, estimator_2] option_2 = [("est-1", estimator_1), ("est-2", estimator_2)] option_3 = [estimator_1, ("est-2", estimator_2)] If different preprocessing pipelines are desired, a dictionary that maps estimators to preprocessing pipelines must be passed. The names of the estimator dictionary must correspond to the names of the estimator dictionary. :: preprocessing_cases = {"case-1": [trans_1, trans_2]. "case-2": [alt_trans_1, alt_trans_2]} estimators = {"case-1": [est_a, est_b]. "case-2": [est_c, est_d]} The lists for each dictionary entry can be any of ``option_1``, ``option_2`` and ``option_3``. cls : str type of layers. Should be the name of an accepted estimator class. indexer : instance, optional Indexer instance to use. Defaults to the layer class indexer instantiated with default settings. Required arguments depend on the indexer. See :mod:`mlens.base` for details. preprocessing: dict of lists or list, optional (default = None) preprocessing pipelines for given layer. If the same preprocessing applies to all estimators, ``preprocessing`` should be a list of transformer instances. The list can contain the instances directly, named tuples of transformers, or a combination of both. :: option_1 = [transformer_1, transformer_2] option_2 = [("trans-1", transformer_1), ("trans-2", transformer_2)] option_3 = [transformer_1, ("trans-2", transformer_2)] If different preprocessing pipelines are desired, a dictionary that maps preprocessing pipelines must be passed. The names of the preprocessing dictionary must correspond to the names of the estimator dictionary. :: preprocessing_cases = {"case-1": [trans_1, trans_2]. "case-2": [alt_trans_1, alt_trans_2]} estimators = {"case-1": [est_a, est_b]. "case-2": [est_c, est_d]} The lists for each dictionary entry can be any of ``option_1``, ``option_2`` and ``option_3``. proba : bool (default = False) whether to call `predict_proba` on the estimators in the layer when predicting. partitions : int (default = 1) Number of subset-specific fits to generate from the learner library. propagate_features : list, optional Features to propagate from the input array to the output array. Carries input features to the output of the layer, useful for propagating original data through several stacked layers. Propagated features are stored in the left-most columns. raise_on_exception : bool (default = False) whether to raise an error on soft exceptions, else issue warning. verbose : int or bool (default = False) level of verbosity. - ``verbose = 0`` silent (same as ``verbose = False``) - ``verbose = 1`` messages at start and finish \ (same as ``verbose = True``) - ``verbose = 2`` messages for each layer If ``verbose >= 50`` prints to ``sys.stdout``, else ``sys.stderr``. For verbosity in the layers themselves, use ``fit_params``. dtype : numpy dtype class, default = :class:`numpy.float32` dtype format of prediction array. cls_kwargs : dict or None optional arguments to pass to the layer type class. Attributes ---------- estimators\_ : OrderedDict, list container for fitted estimators, possibly mapped to preprocessing cases and / or folds. preprocessing\_ : OrderedDict, list container for fitted preprocessing pipelines, possibly mapped to preprocessing cases and / or folds. """ def __init__(self, estimators, cls, indexer=None, preprocessing=None, proba=False, partitions=1, propagate_features=None, scorer=None, raise_on_exception=False, name=None, dtype=None, verbose=False, cls_kwargs=None): assert_correct_format(estimators, preprocessing) self.estimators = check_instances(estimators) self.cls = \ cls.strip().lower() if not cls.islower() or ' ' in cls else cls self.indexer = indexer if indexer is not None else INDEXERS[cls]() self.preprocessing = check_instances(preprocessing) self.cls_kwargs = cls_kwargs self.proba = proba self._predict_attr = 'predict' if not proba else 'predict_proba' self.partitions = partitions self.propagate_features = propagate_features self.scorer = scorer self.raise_on_exception = raise_on_exception = name self.dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else config.DTYPE self.verbose = verbose self._store_layer_data() def _store_layer_data(self): """Utility for storing aggregate attributes about the layer.""" ests = self.estimators prep = self.preprocessing # Store feature propagation data if self.propagate_features: if not isinstance(self.propagate_features, list): raise ValueError("propagate features expected list, got %s" % self.propagate_features.__class__) self.n_feature_prop = len(self.propagate_features) else: self.n_feature_prop = 0 # Store layer estimator data if isinstance(ests, list): # No preprocessing cases. Check if there is one uniform pipeline. self.n_prep = 0 if prep is None or len(prep) == 0 else 1 self.n_pred = len(ests) self.n_est = len(ests) self.cases = [None] else: # Get the number of predictions by moving through each # case and count estimators. self.n_prep = len(prep) self.cases = sorted(prep) n_pred = 0 for case in self.cases: n_est = len(ests[case]) setattr(self, '%s_n_est' % case, n_est) n_pred += n_est self.n_pred = self.n_est = n_pred if self.cls is 'subset': self.n_pred *= self.indexer.n_partitions self.n_prep *= self.indexer.n_partitions
[docs] def get_params(self, deep=True): """Get parameters for this estimator. Parameters ---------- deep : boolean (default = True) If ``True``, will return the layers separately as individual parameters. If ``False``, will return the collapsed dictionary. Returns ------- params : dict mapping of parameter names mapped to their values. """ if not deep: return super(Layer, self).get_params() out = dict() for step in [self.preprocessing, self.estimators]: if isinstance(step, dict): # Mapped preprocessing: need to control for case membership for case, instances in step.items(): for instance_name, instance in instances: out["%s-%s" % (case, instance_name)] = instance # Get instance parameters for k, v in instances.get_params().items(): out["%s-%s__%s" % (case, instance_name, k)] = v else: # Simple named list of estimators / transformers for instance_name, instance in step: out[instance_name] = instance # Get instance parameters for k, v in instance.get_params().items(): out["%s__%s" % (instance_name, k)] = v return out
[docs]class BaseEnsemble(BaseEstimator): """BaseEnsemble class. Core ensemble class methods used to add ensemble layers and manipulate parameters. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod def __init__(self, shuffle=False, random_state=None, scorer=None, raise_on_exception=True, verbose=False, n_jobs=-1, layers=None, array_check=2, backend=None ): self.shuffle = shuffle self.random_state = random_state self.scorer = scorer self.raise_on_exception = raise_on_exception self.verbose = verbose self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.layers = layers self.array_check = array_check self.backend = backend if backend is not None else config.BACKEND
[docs] def set_verbosity(self, verbose): """Adjust the level of verbosity.""" self.verbose = verbose self.layers.verbose = verbose for layer in self.layers.layers.values(): layer.verbose = verbose
def _add(self, estimators, cls, indexer, preprocessing=None, **kwargs): """Auxiliary method to be called by ``add``. Checks if the ensemble's :class:`LayerContainer` is instantiated and if not, creates one. See Also -------- :class:`LayerContainer` Returns ------- self : instance with instantiated layer attached. """ # Check if a Layer Container instance is initialized if getattr(self, 'layers', None) is None: self.layers = LayerContainer( n_jobs=self.n_jobs, raise_on_exception=self.raise_on_exception, backend=self.backend, verbose=self.verbose) # Add layer to Layer Container verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', self.verbose) scorer = kwargs.pop('scorer', self.scorer) if 'proba' in kwargs: if kwargs['proba'] and scorer is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot score probability-based predictions." "Set ensemble attribute 'scorer' to " "None or layer parameter 'Proba' to False.") self.layers.add(estimators=estimators, cls=cls, indexer=indexer, preprocessing=preprocessing, scorer=scorer, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) # Set the layer as an attribute of the ensemble lyr = list(self.layers.layers)[-1] attr = lyr.replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '').strip() setattr(self, attr, self.layers.layers[lyr]) return self
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit ensemble. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape = [n_samples, n_features] input matrix to be used for prediction. y : array-like of shape = [n_samples, ] or None (default = None) output vector to trained estimators on. Returns ------- self : instance class instance with fitted estimators. """ if not check_ensemble_build(self): # No layers instantiated. Return vacuous fit. return self X, y = check_inputs(X, y, self.array_check) if self.shuffle: r = check_random_state(self.random_state) idx = r.permutation(X.shape[0]) X, y = X[idx], y[idx] self.scores_ =, y) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Predict with fitted ensemble. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] input matrix to be used for prediction. Returns ------- y_pred : array-like, shape=[n_samples, ] predictions for provided input array. """ if not check_ensemble_build(self): # No layers instantiated, but raise_on_exception is False return X, _ = check_inputs(X, check_level=self.array_check) if self.shuffle: r = check_random_state(self.random_state) idx = r.permutation(X.shape[0]) X = X[idx] y = self.layers.predict(X) if y.shape[1] == 1: # The meta estimator is treated as a layer and thus a prediction # matrix with shape [n_samples, 1] is created. Ravel before return y = y.ravel() return y
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): """Predict class probabilities with fitted ensemble. Compatibility method for Scikit-learn. This method checks that the final layer has ``proba=True``, then calls the regular ``predict`` method. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] input matrix to be used for prediction. Returns ------- y_pred : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_classes] predicted class membership probabilities for provided input array. """ meta_name = list(self.layers.layers)[-1] lyr = self.layers.layers[meta_name] if not getattr(lyr, 'proba', False): raise ValueError("Cannot use 'predict_proba' if final layer" "does not have 'proba=True'.") return self.predict(X)